Yes, pressing the Shift-Command-Delete ( ⇧ – ⌘ – Del) empties the Trash. Is there a shortcut to empty Trash on Mac? However, if the files are deleted using the Secure Empty Trash option it will be virtually impossible to recover or access them as this erased data will be encrypted, making it meaningless. As such, they can be made available for overwriting, whenever required. Yes! When you empty Trash in Mac the usual way, it doesn’t remove your files completely but simply hides them. Holding the Option key lets your Mac bypass any lock enabled for files. Try to force-delete them. Press and hold the Option key while you hit the Empty button. In many cases, the files you’re trying to delete may be locked. Please note – For this method to work, your Mac should be running macOS Sierra or later. Check the Remove items from the Trash after 30 days box.Click it and select the Preferences option.Use this power tip to Empty trash in Mac automatically. Your system will automatically find them and dump all duplicate Safari downloads, cache files, logs, and other unneeded files. When you enable the Empty Trash Automatically setting in Mac, you no longer need to find old or space-hogging files and delete them. Empty trash in Mac automatically after 30 days

With Mac, you can enable Empty Trash Automatically setting to permanently delete files that have been residing inside Mac’s trash for longer than 30 days.
Moreover, to be able to install new apps and programs or download some important files you’ll need to free a few gigabytes. Trying to empty trash in Mac, especially when you run out of space on a hard drive can be a task.